Terms of Use

Last updated: 06.05.2024.

Terms of Service for using the Schoolhub.ai service ("The Service") require your acceptance of the following Terms of Use. These constitute a binding agreement between you ("The User") and Midgard AI AS, a Norwegian company (org. no. 932739798) ("The Provider").


These terms of use govern your use of the Service, which offers access to artificial intelligence (AI) tailored for the educational sector. The Service primarily provides interactive communication with advanced language models, known as "chatbots," designed to support learning and education.

By using the Service, you confirm that you understand and agree to these terms, as well as to our processing of your personal data and information in accordance with our privacy statement.

The Service is developed for non-commercial, personal, and private use, such as in an educational context, and is not intended for commercial use. Use of the Service for business purposes or in other commercial contexts is not allowed without written approval from the Provider.

The Provider cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the content produced by the language models of the service. The Provider disclaims any responsibility for the content generated by these models.

Personal Data

To be able to deliver and develop the Service further, it is necessary to process certain types of personal information about the User. This includes, but is not limited to, information about the browser, IP address, and other relevant personal information. All such data handling is regulated by our privacy statement. In this statement, you will find a thorough description of the types of data we collect, how we use it, and with whom or under what circumstances we may share it with other parties. Read the privacy policy carefully to understand how we process personal data: https://schoolhub.ai/page/privacy-policy.

You understand that processing your personal data in accordance with what is described in the privacy policy as is a necessary part of providing and maintaining The Service.

Use of the Service

As a user of the Service, you bear full responsibility for all use of and activity that occurs through your use of the Service. This means that you must ensure that all use complies with applicable laws and our terms of use. We reserve the right to deactivate or block your access to the Service, and deny further use, if the following situations occur:

If we find out, or have reason to suspect, that you have provided incorrect, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate information, which violates the terms of use.

If your use of the Service involves a breach of these terms, includes illegal activity, or is otherwise considered misuse of the service.

We encourage you to act responsibly and with respect for the service and its other users. Any actions to enforce these terms will be carried out in accordance with legislation and our internal guidelines.

Disclaimer for Generated Content

The Service provides access to advanced language models that automatically generate content based on user input. It is important to emphasize that the Provider does not have editorial control over, and therefore cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or suitability of the content that these models produce. Content generated by the language models is automatically generated response and does not necessarily reflect the views, attitudes, or the Provider in other ways. Consequently, the Provider disclaims any responsibility for direct or indirect damage, loss, or inconvenience that may arise as a result of use or reliance on the content generated by these models. Users of the Service are encouraged to use the service with a critical eye at their own risk.

Ownership and Rights

The Service, as well as all content made available through the Service (including images, text, software, technology, etc.), is the property of the Provider or our licensors. When you use the service in accordance with the terms of use, we grant you a limited right to non-commercial use of the content on the service. The user acquires no intellectual property rights to this content beyond the right to use in accordance with the terms of use. This right lasts as long as the User is in an agreement with the Provider (these Terms of Use). You may not transfer these rights to others, except to the extent permitted under these Terms of Use.

All trademarks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive signs related to the Service are owned by the Provider.

You must at all times comply with our terms of use and refrain from using the Service (including, but not limited to, the content) in a way that violates these terms.


Our liability for compensation to you as a user is limited and does not cover claims related to personal injury or financial loss. It is important to note that our liability for compensation is in accordance with applicable legislation, including limitations and exceptions.


Our goal is to continuously improve the Service to offer an increasingly better user experience. This may involve making changes to the service from time to time. Changes may include, but are not limited to, updating or altering existing functionality, adding new functionality, or in some cases removing functionality. We reserve the right to make such changes to the service, in line with our goal of continuous improvement.

Contact information

You can contact us at contact@schoolhub.ai.